Click HERE for our Club's Weekly Announcements!!!
***Text Notifications**
If you are wanting to join the group text, please text your name and Join2024 to 574-370-6421.
New and Prospective Members, please give Heather Riegsecker a call at 574-370-0443 so we can assist you with questions, meeting times, possible leases, and getting involved in our club.
Next Meeting
Jan 13, 2025
Location: TBD
Time: 7:00pm. 6:30pm for 1st and 2nd year members
Upcoming Dates
Awards Banquet
Date: NOV 11 @ 6:30
Location: Sheep Swine Arena
Info: We will be suppling the main dish, silverware, and plates. We will have water and lemon-aid.
We do ask that everyone brings an item, Please bring the item that goes with your LAST name:
A - H - Hot Side
I - P - Cold Side/Salad
Q - Z - Dessert
UPDATE: You will have to RSVP this year. Please click this link to RSVP